Open, edit, save XML file--help or example

I am working on a system for a restaurant to update it's menu easily  
and I thought I'd take the opportunity to sink my teeth into xforms.  
I've got it displaying but I can't get it to save, and I haven't had  
much luck finding good examples of this process.

Currently I am trying to use the formfaces javascript but have by no  
means exhausted the options. Just seemed like the easiest given that  
I don't have a lot of experience with apache and the plugins are too  
limited in terms of mobility.

So this is what I've patched together from different examples, also,  
next I want to get reordering and insert/delete working so if there  
is anything I'm doing currently that will prevent that I would  
appreciate suggestions to make that easier.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   <xf:instance src="breakfast-edit_test.xml" xmlns="" />
   <xf:submission id="read-from-file" method="get" action="breakfast- 
edit_test.xml" replace="instance" />
   <xf:submission id="save-to-file" method="put" action="breakfast- 
edit_test.xml" />


	<xf:repeat id="courses" nodeset="/menu/course">
	<xf:input ref="courseTitle">
		<xf:label>Course Title</xf:label>
	<xf:textarea ref="courseDescription">
		<xf:label>Course Description</xf:label>
	<xf:repeat id="dishes" nodeset="dish">
		<xf:textarea ref="description">
		<xf:input ref="price">

<xf:submit submission="read-from-file">

	<xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
		<xf:send submission="read-from-file" />


And the XML file (I cut it down to one dish per course so it doesn't  
take up so much room!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<menu id="breakfast">
	<date />
		<courseTitle>Coffee Bar</courseTitle>
		<courseDescription>Bluebottle Coffee -- Dogpatch Blend (regular/decaf)
			<description>Espresso with organic milk, macchiato, cappuccino, latte
			<description>Drip Coffee</description>
			<description>Mighty Leaf Green Tea &amp; Classic Darjeeling</ 
			<description>Fresh leaves, lemon verbena herbal tea</description>
		<courseTitle>Grab &amp; Go</courseTitle>
		<courseDescription />
			<description>Hard boiled egg with herbed/flavored salts</description>
			<description>Seasonal fruit</description>
		<courseDescrption />
			<description>Ginger scones</description>
			<description>Pain au chocolat</description>
		<courseTitle>Breakfast Pizza</courseTitle>
		<courseDescription>Served 7:30 to 10:00am</courseDescription>
			<description>Egg and truffle -- Pizza crust, sunny side up egg,  
truffle olive oil</description>
			<description>Bacon &amp; eggs scramble -- Hobbs bacon and eggs,  

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 14:31:44 UTC