xforms:item and xforms:itemset: label and value bound to non-existing nodes


I am not sure that the spec is very explicit on this matter. Consider:

   <xforms:label ref="some-label"/>
   <xforms:value ref="some-value"/>

Now what if "some-label" doesn't point to a node? This is probably the
same as, say, an xforms:input label not pointing to a node. Does this
mean that the XForms engine handles:

o The label as non-relevant?
o The label as an empty string?
o The whole item as not available for selection?

Similar scenario with some-value. Does the XForms engine handle:

o The value as an empty string?
o The whole item as not available for selection?

(I can't imagine what it could mean for just the value to be

Same question when "unrolling" the xforms:itemset. Say you have
something like this:

<xforms:item nodeset="item">
   <xforms:label ref="some-label"/>
   <xforms:value ref="some-value"/>

pointing to the following:



Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2006 19:26:07 UTC