Re: Cancel a submission in progress

Allan Beaufour a écrit :
> On 4/4/06, David Landwehr <> wrote:
>> In XForms a submission can be started and then it has to wait for an
>> error or a failure. Wouldn't it be nice if is was possible to cancel an
>> submission (e.g. by dispatching an event to the submission element)
>> which will make the submission stop by dispatching xforms-submit-error?
> I think that is a good idea. As you can start a submissions, I guess
> it makes sense to be able to cancel them too. What should happen if
> you try to cancel a submission that is not running? NOP I guess?
I like the idea as well but what would happen on the wire? I mean from 
the HTTP point of view, should the UA close the socket connection?
If so, how the server should react? We should then instead send a 
specific message to the server that can understand the UA has 
explicitely canceled the submission.

- Sylvain

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2006 14:11:05 UTC