id() function in XForms 1.1


Just a quick comment about the id function in XForms 1.1. It seems to 
say that the second argument is a node-set which will be used to search 
for the ids. Please note that this is not aligned with the function 
description for the XPath 2.0 id function since its second argument is 
treated as a single node (it will only search in one document). As the 
XPath 2.0 function is namespaced and in a different spec that XForms 
this might not be concerned as a problem. But I believe it would be 
nicer if the functions works in the same way in both specifications.

Also the definition of the ID function does not specify what happens 
when there are duplicates (e.g. more than one node with a particular ID).

And in general I think this definition would benefit by being closely 
aligned to the XPath 2.0 id function description also in terms of the 
complexity of description.

Best regards,

David Landwehr (
Chief Executive Officer, SolidApp
Office: +45 48268212
Mobile: +45 24275518

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2006 12:17:30 UTC