XForms Titan Interview with Alessandro Vernet (of Orbeon fame)


  allow me to highlight the lastest interview in the
XForms Titan Interview series with Orbeon project lead
and CTO Alessandro Vernet.

  Questions include:

  * How did you get started on W3C's XForms?

  * Can you tell us some challenges you faced building
 a server-side XForms implementation?

  * Can you tell us how you handle the mapping from
 XForms to classic HTML forms? Do you use lots of
 JavaScript to minimize server-roundtrips? Do you use
 any browser-specific extensions to stretch what you
 can do with "classic" HTML?

  * Can you tell us if it's possible to use your
 engine as a "stand-alone" Java library?  What are the
 dependencies for your XForms engine? Do you have a
 separate distribution? Do you think it's possible or
 wise to use your server-side XForms engine as a
 foundation for a client-side XForms implementation?

  * Can you tell us how the Orbeon PresentationServer
compares to Cocoon and how XForms fits into an XML
pipeline architecture?  

   and many more

   Full interview online @

   - Gerald

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Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 02:11:14 UTC