RE: [Fwd: Re: XForms: Question about tax form example]

I lobbied for allowing <label> as a first child of <group> but couldn't
get it allowed.
Also, the WAI group (and TV Raman on the Xforms WG) were quite firm that
label needs to be a child element of the control it labels.
Stylistically, it would probably have been better to define the label
element in the XML Schema as a child element of form controls rather
than a top level element, and in my opinion there is still room to do
that in XForms 1.0 if the WG believes that it is simply a schema
authoring error (typo).
I believe that the Mozilla implementation that allows label anywhere is

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Erik Bruchez
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: XForms: Question about tax form example]

Hi all,

I was fairly firm in my belief that xforms:label must be within a
control, but apparently some think otherwise, and implementations appear
to allow randomly placed xforms:label elements.

It seemed to me that the idea behind xforms:label was to be a label for
a specific control, not just a generic mechanism to display a label,
this based on the following text from the spec:

"8.3.3 The label Element - This required element labels the *containing
form control* with a descriptive label."

Whatever the spec actually says, I don't really see the benefit of using
xforms:label outside of a control. You can use xhtml:label instead, or
just some other constructs from the host language.

Then what about xhtml:hint, xhtml:help, and xhtml:alert? Can they also
be used outside of controls?

Can anybody shed some light on this question? See below the relevant
message from netscape.public.mozilla.xml.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: XForms: Question about tax form example
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 12:12:41 -0500
From: Aaron Reed <>
Organization: Another Netscape Collabra Server User
Newsgroups: netscape.public.mozilla.xml
References: <d6sb66$>
<d72b5i$> <d7pn1i$>

Erik Bruchez wrote:
 > Aaron Reed wrote:
 >> We created this particular XForm to give an example of what a user's
>> experience is with XForms.  It is not, however, a good example of  >>
proper XForms authoring (as noted in the Disclaimer toward the top of
>> the form source).  Due to a variety of limitations that currently  >>
exists in our XForms implementation, we could not achieve the  >>
table-type of layout that we desired in any other way.  When our next
>> preview release comes out and we can achieve the desired layout in
the  >> 'proper' way, we'll update these samples and include new
 > Thanks for the explanation.
 >> As far as bugs, there is nothing that says that a label MUST be  >>
contained in a form control, though that is often the case and is  >>
pretty much what it was designed for.  So the fact that a label will  >>
render outside of a form control is not a bug.
 > The spec says (8.3.3):
 > "This required element labels the containing form control with a  >
descriptive label."
 > That is also how the xforms:label element is used in the XForms spec
> examples. See section 2.1 for example:
 > "Form controls always have labels directly associated with them as
child  > elements-this is a key feature designed to enhance
 > See also section 8.1, "8.1 The XForms Form Controls Module". The
label  > element is part of the minimal content model for most of the
elements  > there. Section 9.1, "9.1 The XForms Group Module", shows
that you can  > have one optinal label within xforms:group elements.
 > Based on this, the xforms:label element:
 > 1. Has a containing form control
 > 2. Is required exactly once within most form controls  > 3. Is
sometimes optional (but with one occurrence at most), for example
 >    within xforms:group
 > So I stand by my initial claim that this is a bug, and that you
cannot  > use xforms:label the way the Tax form example does. I would
definitely  > appreciate a convincing argument (i.e. reference to the
spec and/or  > errata) saying otherwise.
 > -Erik

Hi Erik,

I agree with 2 and 3.  1 should be 'may have a containing form control'.
   In none of the quotes you provided (nor anywhere in the spec) is
label restricted to only being a child of certain form controls. The
fact that formsPlayer, X-Smiles, and Novell's XForms processors all
render labels outside of controls without error leads me to believe that
we are behaving correctly.  We are compatible with other implementations
who have a similar interpretation of the spec.  If the WG wanted labels
only contained in form controls, then they could have enforced this in
the XForms schema or turned the label into an attribute on a form
control, but they didn't.  Because it isn't restricted by the spec, then
we should allow the form author maximum flexibility while maintaining
compatibility with other implementations.  We can't always predict how a
form author may chose to use a control to meet their needs.

More on this topic is addressed by this thread in the W3C's mailing list

Thanks for your comments,

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2005 17:23:29 UTC