Re: recursive structures in XFORMS


those, who are interested in recursive structures in XForms should check 
out the extension for X-Smiles: <xforms:tree> and nodeindex function.

Details can be found at:

To test it yourself, just download the latest nightly build:

and target it to my ad-hoc XHTML editor in XForms:*checkout*/xsmiles/demo/xforms/folders/xhtmleditor.xhtml

Best Regards,
 Mikko Honkala

PS. In the future, it will be possible also the insert and delete nodes 
in the hierarchy.

Kerry Raymond wrote:

> Is there a way to enter recursive structures in XFORMS? For example, a 
> binary tree
> <node>
>        <node>
>                <node/>
>        </node>
>        <node/>
> </node>
> where you cannot predict in advance how deep the user will want the 
> tree will be?
> Thanks
> Kerry
> Dr Kerry Raymond
> Distinguished Research Leader
> CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology
> University of Queensland 4072 Australia
> Ph: +61 7 3365 4310, Fax: +61 7 3365 4311,

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 16:39:04 UTC