Question about XML Schema validation

I am reading the erratum here:

This means to me that in the following example:


Where we have a schema saying:

<element name="my-element" type="date"/>

o Validity for <my-element> is determined by:

   o the presence of the correct attributes (none here); an invalid
     value for an attribute does not cause my-element to be invalid
   o the validity of children elements (none here)
   o the validity of the children text nodes (here 2000-01-02)

Now for the last point, the erratum says that:

   "The XML Schema validity of a text node is defined as the locally
   [sic] validity of its normalized content with respect to the type
   definition associated from a model bind as defined by String
   Valid. If the text node has no type associated it is always
   considered valid."

This appears to mean that "2000-01-02" will not be validated with the
schema's type="date" constraint, but rather that you need to have a
separate xforms:bind/@type attribute. However, this appears a little

Does anybody have a better understanding of this issue? What is the
spec's intent?



Received on Monday, 6 June 2005 19:43:53 UTC