Ann: XForms Processor Chiba 1.0 released

The Chiba project has released version 1.0.0 of its XForms processor. 
Chiba is an embeddable Java component that may be used in a wide range 
of architectures either client- or server-side.

The standard download comes embedded in a Java webapplication and 
provides a pure server-side implementation. Other packages use Chiba 
inside IE6 purely client-side (Convex) or as part of Apache Cocoon 
(Chicoon). Final releases for these are on the way.

Chiba is Open Source and may be freely used in either commercial or 
non-commercial projects. Professional support is offered by the 
maintainers of the project.

Downloads are available from:

Mailinglists may be subcribed here:

Comments welcome,

Joern Turner
-Chiba Project Admin-

Chibacon Lissé/Turner GbR
XForms, XML + Java
fon: +49 30 61 28 58 12 / mail:

Received on Friday, 11 February 2005 13:14:34 UTC