Re: Newbie request

This isn't really the right mailing list to learn how to write HTML 
(this list is about future developments with hypertext forms).

I suggest you do a Google search for HTML forms tutorial -- the top few 
results will likely be useful.

Jasper wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply
> Where can I get some free HTML forms and a website that supports such forms
> I am totally new to HTML
> Thanks
> mani
> On 8/14/05, Jasper Bryant-Greene -
> <>
> wrote:
>>You can use XForms, but browser support is probably not as universal as
>>you would like. If you want anyone who visits your website to be able to
>>fill out the form and submit it, standard HTML forms might be a better idea.
>> wrote:
>>>I'm a newbie wishing to set up a small web form for a self help group
>>>This typical form would consist of some yes / no questions, some dates
>>>to be filled and and some long and short answers
>>>Answers are to be mailed to a pre determined address - say help address
>>>Can I use these X forms ? if so how ? where do I start ?
>>>any pointers would be most appreciated
>>>many thanks in advance for your time and efforts

Received on Sunday, 14 August 2005 22:02:53 UTC