Re: Status of <xforms:listener/>

Sorry, my bad. Apparently the plugin is translating an <ev:listener/> 
into <xforms:listener/> which shows up in the view source.

Suzan Foster.
Suzan Foster wrote:

>Is <xforms:listener/> part of, or in the process of becoming part of the 
>xforms working draft? With the following code i'm able to lose my 
>dependencies on what the plugin offers me in the way of members in 
>scripting by using an instance to pass the index value of the repeat:
>  <xforms:label>Move down</xforms:label>
>  <xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
>    <xforms:setvalue bind="curindex" value="index('repeatid')"/>
>    <xforms:listener event="DOMActivate" handler="javascript:move_down()"/>
>    <xforms:setindex index="index('repeatid')+1" repeat="repeatid"/>
>    <xforms:rebuild/>
>  </xforms:action>
>Suzan Foster.

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2005 07:43:46 UTC