Re: Xforms AND PHP


I am not sure what you are thinking, but if all you want to do is to get PHP
on the server to interact with XForms on the client, can I suggest looking
at :

for a simple example.

There is also some basic coverage in the PHP documentation set, specifically

I hope that is of some help to you.

I don't know of any products that combine PHP and XForms in anyway.

All the best



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> From: "David SEYARET" <>
> Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:00:59 +0200
> To: <>
> Subject: Xforms AND PHP
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 05:09:20 -0400 (EDT)
> Does somebody know a solution to process xforms using php ?
> david
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