Re: Correct use of <xforms:submission> and <xforms:submit>

Hi Roman,

The intention is that the host language will provide an the ID attribute. XForms do not provide any ID attributes but explicitly says that a host language has to provide it. This is accomplished using modularization, take a look at the xhtml modularization which has just made a working draft public available [].

Best regards,

>>> "Roman Huditsch" <> 13-10-2003 08:32:24 >>>
Hello everybody,
I just went through the XForms spec again and came up with a question concerning the <xforms:submission> and <xforms:submit> elements.
Section 8.1.9 "The submit Element" indicated that there has to be an attribute "submission" with corresponds to an id attribute of an <xforms:submission> element:
        Required reference to element submission
But reading section 3.3.3 "The submission Element" there is nothing said about an required id attribute. Even the example given doesn't show it.
So is that reference really needed? Or does the submit element refer to the first <xforms:submission> element per default, when those attributes are omitted?
Please help me on that.
With best regards,

Mag.(FH) Roman Huditsch (hRHU )
Developer .:. Information & Application Engineering
hico Informations- und Kommunikations-Management Gesellschaft m.b.H.
TechLab, Thomas A. Edison Straße 2.
A-7000 Eisenstadt / Austria
phone: +43/2682/704-61-73; fax: +43/2682/704-71-61-10
mobile: +43/664/4102715


Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2003 03:31:01 UTC