Re: xslt stylesheet for xforms to xhtml

On Friday 30 August 2002 19:02, Robert Trybis wrote:
> I know xforms is much more than UI markup, but all I want to do is UI
> markup - and I would like to do it now.

Yes. The question then becomes whether it is worth the effort to try to use 
XForms - or parts of it - for that purpose at all until stable XForms 
processors become available. I'm not sure of that myself after experimenting 
a bit with the XForms/XSLT combination.

But I can see the potential. The most obvious part of that for me is higher 
productivity in application development. But there is another thing, too: the 
XForms framework opens some interesting possibilities for advanced visual 
layout control, although that does not seem to be what the working group have 
been focusing on.

That's where an XForms/XSLT combination is most enticing to me. If you 
could use an XSLT template to generate the controls themselves, you would 
have a powerful way of controlling their visual appearance. For example, if 
you rendered an xforms:select as a an HTML table containing checkboxes, the 
possibilities for changing its visual appearance would be endless.

For an even more advanced alternative, you could implement the xforms:select 
as a button that would pop up a JavaScript window containing the control 
itself. Being able to choose between this and the previous alternative by 
just selecting a parameter is a kind of flexibility that is unheard of in the 
traditional HTML world.

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2002 04:04:10 UTC