RE: Review of Xforms working draft


To be honest, I can't tell exactly who you're agreeing with :).

The first paragraph seems to indicate Linda (who advocates MinExclusive,
MinInclusinve, MaxExclusive, and MaxInclusive as per the XML Schema spec),
but in the second paragraph you call for simplicity.  Do you feel that this
is simpler than just Min and Max (where Min is the self-evident
MinInclusive, etc.)?

My feeling is that the "Exclusive" parameters are of little use since (IMO)
there are an infinitesimally small number of cases where you couldn't
substitute the "Inclusive" parameters.  I want simplicity and I believe in
the 80/20 rule.  To my mind, the "Exclusive" parameters are clutter that are
just going to get in the way of hand-coding forms (along with a number of
other things I've fought against and lost).


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Perkins []
Sent: January 2, 2001 6:17 PM
To: 'Welsh, Linda B'; 'Rob McDougall'; ''; Micah
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: Review of Xforms working draft

I hear the same echo, Linda. I am a hand coder (like most of you I am sure)
and I do know how difficult it can be to learn one way and then re-learn
another 2 months later. Think about the future people. What are we going to
be doing tomorrow or in a year or even a decade? We don't know but we can
work toward an answer. 

Keeping it simple is the main objective. Making it reusable with future
innovations can be a different story all together and it will be if everyone
continues to bicker over long and short versions or anything. Make it long
or make it short. Just make it easy to understand for those who haven't been
developing for a lifetime.

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2001 18:43:29 UTC