last call comments for section 11

The last of my last call comments.  Covers section 11.

1) 11.1 - I'd reword the last sentence of the description for @mode,
especially the last section of the sentence after the ','.
2) 11.1 - What are the valid possible values for @verb?  Not mentioned in
the schema.  What is a 'submission protocol verb'?  Do you mean that it
overrides @method?
3) 11.1 - I'd suggest that the end of section 11.1 (before 11.2) is a good
place to list the 'worker elements' that can appear as children since this
information can't be found in the schema.
4) 11.2 - extraneous ')' in the second sentence.
5) 11.2 - #2 - So even if @relevant="false", we can't bind xf:submission to
a non-relevant node?  That seems counter-intuitive.
6) 11.2 - second bullet after #8 - Missed capitalizing 'if' which starts
the sentence, "If the parse fails, then submission processing concludes..."
7) 11.7.2 - the first sentence doesn't make sense.  Perhaps it should read,
"The submission element can optionally <contain> a child element named
8) 11.8 - what about header information that might be determined also by
other things?  Like charset?  Does that also override?  What if header
information is duplicated?
9) 11.8.1 - also other places where the new worker elements live - what if
@value is an invalid xpath expression?  No xforms-compute-exception?  Or
any other kind of error?
10) 11.9 - the sentence right before the serialization table - the word
'attribute' is duplicated.
11) 11.12 - third bullet - extraneous 'as' in "Element nodes selected for
includesion are as encoded as ..."
12) 11.19.3 - fifth bullet - should probably be 'changed', not 'change' in
"...header is change to text/xml"

Good luck finishing up the 1.1 work!
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Received on Thursday, 10 May 2007 00:01:36 UTC