Chapters 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6

3.3, "Instance" heading - Does an instance "document" actually exist?

3.3 "Action" heading - mention is made of "node" model but the concept of 
nodes (other than indirectly through the XPath 1.0) hasn't, so far as I 
recall in the document up to that point.

3.5 line 1 - Replace "defining" with "constraining"

3.6 In the first code snippet the standalone attribute is stated to be 
xsd:boolean. In other XML languages the permitted values of standalone are 
"yes" or "no". The permitted values of xsd:boolean as I recall are "true" and 
"false" which isn't quite the same.

3.6 Final Paragraph - This should be clarified. What situation are you 
referring to? The presence of an xlink:href attribute and an xlink:type with 
value of "none"? If so, is the behaviour mentioned in the paragraph 
consistent with XLink in that situation? Or if some other situation is being 
referred to then the paragraph could usefully be made clearer.

Andrew Watt

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2002 13:09:44 UTC