Re: Announcing new font compression project

On 28 March 2012 15:20, Richard Fink <> wrote:
>>they didn't want to give up their IP without
>>assurance that there was a point to such a move.
> Hmmm.... helping out a billion Windows users using IE6, 7, and 8 wasn't
> enough of a point, I guess.

MSIE has always supported MTX compresion in EOT; My recollection of
what happened is that what John said is correct, and that it wasn't
clear that the OTHER browsers would make use of it even if the patent
issue was resolved because of the DRM issue that I and others kicked
up a fuss about. The "EOT Lite" proposal by IIRC Ascender was in
response to that, but didn't get much traction.

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2012 02:08:29 UTC