Re: FtF Meeting

Chris Lilley wrote:

 > TAJ> Is CWT new enough to be restricted by this,
 > Yes
 > TAJ>  or is the fact that it's
 > TAJ> just a reinterpretation of an existing format enough to let it slide?
 > Let it slide meaning the WG would work on it? No, its no longer in scope.
 > Previously it was proposed that both formats would be in scope, and
 > the WG would pick a winner when writing the conformance
 > requirements. That effectively meant that the spec development
 > effort would be split, and the eventual outcome, even if widely
 > predicted, still uncertain.

Indeed. Thanks goes to W3C staff for finding consensus around WOFF. As
a result, the web will be a better place; for browser vendors, web
site developers, and font vendors it will be a more predictable place.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 16:36:18 UTC