RE: WOFF and extended metadata

Also sprach Levantovsky, Vladimir:

 > We all seem to agree that the primary purpose of metadata is to
 > enable font developers to publicize their work and to make font
 > information readily accessible to users. We also seem to agree that
 > it is desirable for browsers to be able to parse and display the
 > metadata, and, as Christopher pointed out, the ability to present
 > metadata content to an end user was one of the major factor for
 > font foundries to support WOFF. It seem logical that we, as experts
 > in the field should make the language of the specification as clear
 > and unambiguous as possible, and provide guidance and
 > recommendations for implementers, instead of merely listing
 > available options.

But you're not recommending that implementors of mobile browsers
should follow these guidelines, are you? With a SHOULD in there, you
need to explain that, otherwise mobile browsers will be seen as not
following the clear and unambigous guidance. With a MAY in there, I
don't think you need that language.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 20:46:19 UTC