RE: EOT-Lite File Format

On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 23:26 +0000, Sylvain Galineau wrote:
> >Nope, it has to be a MUST requirement - UAs MUST ignore non-nil
> >rootstrings.  IE <= 8 browsers will just be nonconforming (which is
> >fine, since they were produced before this standard was produced), and
> >authors can take advantage of that to hack something resembling
> >same-origin into it if they wish.
> Precisely. In fact, there isn’t even a MUST for clients. For them, EOTL
> has not rootstring data. Period.
> The format could however describe the rootstring field as a MAY for EOTL
> generators. But that is the furthest it would go.

My goodness this is refreshing.

I'm not leaping up to volunteer but it'd be swell
if we had a "secretary" of sort who was translating
all this informal talk into draft-of-draft language.


Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 23:31:18 UTC