Re: A way forward

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Dave Crossland<> wrote:
> 2009/7/24 Sylvain Galineau <>:
>> Vladimir wrote:
>>> I believe there is a simple work-around to resolve this problem. Root string
>>> in EOT-Lite does not have to be empty, it may contain the domain name of the
>>> origin that will simply be ignored by all other browsers except IE. When
>>> EOT-Lite is processed by Firefox and other browsers – the root string is
>>> ignored and same origin restriction is applied. For legacy IE browsers – the
>>> root string will serve the same purpose of same origin restriction and,
>>> therefore, no need to require Referrer checking.
>> Technically that’d work but it also defeats one of the main purposes of the
>> original proposal which was to get us all out of the rootstring management
>> nightmare.
> Right - if root strings are a MAY requirement of the spec, that would
> bring back the looming threat of a court using DMCA-style laws to
> force browsers to perform DRM.

There's no reason for them to be a MAY.  In fact, the spec should
rightly say that rootstrings, if present, MUST NOT be honored.  We're
talking about legacy clients who won't conform to any new spec here -
they can do whatever they want in this case, and we can spec the
desired behavior for new clients.


Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 22:38:45 UTC