Re: What's an em

Clive Bruton wrote:
> What would you do, adjust a large x-height sans to a smaller "point" size
> to fake the "perceived" size of the script it was replacing?

Yes, that's the idea behind font-size-adjust.

> Isn't it conceivable that such an adjustment might actually render text
> that was meant as a headline/heading at a smaller size than continuous
> text on the same page?

My understanding is that the "perceived" size is so dependent on the
x-height, that the heading wouldn't *look* smaller than continuous text
on the same page.

> Do you want to give an example of where you think knowing the x-height
> might be something useful?

Suppose the document author chose Verdana at a certain size. Now suppose
the reader doesn't have Verdana. It would still be nice if that text
could be drawn at the same perceived size as the original author's
intention (modulo user prefs if font size was specified in relative
units such as "em").


Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2000 01:18:12 UTC