Re: What's an em

Clive Bruton wrote:
> X-height is *important*, point size (unless someone really screwed up) is
> *definitive* - subtle difference.
> You cannot set type based on measurements of anything else but the point
> size (ie the "body" size), ie look at the x-height on the examples shown,
> you cannot set the line-height as a factor of the x-height.

Whoa! Now, all of a sudden, you're talking about line-height. I never
suggested that the line-height should be a factor of the x-height. All I
said was that some people seem to believe that the x-height is
important, and that's why font-size-adjust exists. You still need to set
an appropriate line spacing to avoid collisions.


Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2000 19:44:15 UTC