TD Kanji PFR size/performance

Here is the first....

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Eggers []
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 4:19 PM
To: Robert Eggers; Hiro Kataoka; Steve Lewis
Cc: Glen Rippel; John Collins
Subject: Re: Kanji PFR size/performance

Dear Hiro and Steve:

I reversed the PFR sizes of the compressed and non-compressed PFRs in this
email. To repeat, correctly now, the size of the Square Gothic Medium PFRs
is as follows:

Compressed Sqaure Gothic Medium:                2,001,330 bytes
Regular Square Gothic Medium:                       2,647,760 bytes

I have found the bug/problem on the OS9000 PPC build and have confirmed that
cps is equivalent to the PPC numbers on the Mac. This bug was on the
application/developer level, and not in the TrueDoc code.

Also, I will follow up with 68K metrics from a true 68K Macintosh. The
number I gave were on the PPC Mac running 68K code in emulation. Those
statistics are probably badly skewed lower due to the emulation mode.

Robert Eggers
OEM Project Leader
Bitstream, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Eggers <>
To: Hiro Kataoka <>; Steve Lewis
Cc: Glen Rippel <>; John Collins
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 12:20 PM
Subject: Kanji PFR size/performance

>Dear Hiro and Steve,
>I had some problems getting performance figures from my OS9000 Powerstack
>(PPC 25 Mhz). There is an unresolved bug on that implementation for large
>character set fonts that impacts the cache performance. Since there is no
>profiling tool to analyse the source of the problem, it will take more than
>a few days to get to the bottom of it. There is also a problem with the
>Stellar 1000; there isn't enough RAM disk space to hold the Kanji font, so
>cannot test it.
>As a result, I ran the tests on a Power Mac 7100 running at 80 Mhz. Tests
>were done in both 68K and PPC builds.
>The font used for the tests was Square Gothic Medium, recorded from a full
>drawn TrueType (not stroke based). The number of characters in the font is
>7485. This is the full Unicode set encoded in the Microsoft character
>mapping table (also known as the 3:1 CMAP).
>Two versions of the PFR were recorded, both at 250 ORUs. One version is
>compressed, the other is not. The image quality of both fonts is excellent
>and indistinguishable from each other. The sizes of each are as follows:
>Compressed Square Gothic Medium:        2,647,760 bytes
>Regular Sqaure Gothic Medium:                2,001,330 bytes
>The cache size used was the CSPLIB default size of 64KB. This is much
>than is needed for this test. The pixel depth used in TrueDoc is 4 bits per
>pixel. A depth of 8 bits could produce better performance, but is rarely
>used in the STB or embedded systems typically using 256 color CLUT (Color
>Look Up Table).
>The "Cache" test involves a paragraph with 118 characters. The paragraph is
>drawn once to populate the cache, then the timing test is performed by
>rendering the paragraph multiple times, counting characters. Timing
>the BLT time, which in this case goes through the Mac CopyBits() function.
>Performance metrics were taken at heights of 7, 13 and 28 lines per em.
>The "No Cache" test involves a Waterfall of 18 characters, from 11 to 28
>lines per em. The sequence of generating the waterfall 10 times is timed,
>again including all BLT time on the Mac.
>These are the performance results observed:
>Compressed PFR:
>Processor                Cache                          No Cache
>68K                        1180 cps (7 lines)                34
>                              1180 cps (13 lines)
>                              1180 cps (29 lines)
>PPC                       2360 cps (7 lines)               278
>                              2360 cps (13 lines)
>                              1180 cps (29 lines)
>Regular PFR:
>Processor                Cache                          No Cache
>68K                        2360 cps (7 lines)                43
>                              1180 cps (13 lines)
>                               786 cps (29 lines)
>PPC                       2360 cps (7 lines)               340
>                              2360 cps (13 lines)
>                              1180 cps (29 lines)
>The timing anomalies apparent in this list are unexplained. Presumably the
>Mac OS occassionally intervenes in the background to "garbage collect".
>Cache performance in 68K and PPC is apparently equivalent. The PPC code is
>clearly faster when the characters are not in the cache and need to be
>generated from the outlines.
>Also quite clear is the same effect of the PPC processor is pronounced when
>handling compressed PFRs.
>It should be noted that the cps of Latin fonts in the PPC Mac build is
>within 100 cps of the performance of Latin fonts on the OS9000 Powerstack
>running at 25 Mhz. Presumably the BLT performance under OS9/MAUI is
>considerably faster than CopyBits on the Macintosh. I have found the Mac
>build to provide a very close metric to other PPC SetTop Boxes running at
>Robert Eggers
>OEM Project Leader
>Bitstream, Inc.

Received on Monday, 8 June 1998 11:17:44 UTC