Re: mailing list

>	I'm wondering. Is there any possible way to embed a font into a web page??
>Everyone has seen IE, and how an ActiveX control would install itself. I
>figure it could be possible since if someone wanted a plugin to run, that
>file would be embeded within the html and it would start if you had that
>helper app/plugin that supported it. Thanks for any ideas, help etc. Later.

Better make sure that the fonts you are about to embed by one method or 
another can be embedded. Emigre fonts, FontFonts (from FontShop) and many 
of the smaller libraries do not permit users with normal licenses to 
embed fonts in pdf files, or in webpages. Doing so could cause some bad 
things as the library people could claim you started distributing the 
font to many many people without permission, or payment.

The fact that technically it might be possible does not mean it is a wise 
direction for the time being.

erik van blokland, LettError: Typestuff
NEW!  typelab

Received on Friday, 8 November 1996 05:53:09 UTC