Re[2]: TrueDoc reservations

     TrueDoc is a font transport mechanism which preserves font fidelity. 
     We have had several font designers try to distiguish between printed  
     and screen output for Type 1, TrueType, and TrueDoc. They were correct 
     about 1/3 of the time.
     Because of TrueDoc's high quality, multiplatform support, and 
     professional SDK, TrueDoc won the Seybold 96 Technology Trailblazer 
     award. Also, both FutureTense's Texture product, and Tumbleweed's 
     Envoy Publishing Essentials were Seybold Hot Picks (both rely on 
     As for bitmaps - when they are moved from device to device with 
     different resolutions, they just don't work.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: TrueDoc reservations
Author: at huxleypo
Date:    3/7/96 3:54 PM

Thomas Rickner wrote:
>Speaking as a designer, producer and user of type, I have some concerns about a
>technology such as TrueDoc.
I also have some reservations. One problem is that the TrueDoc scheme is 
based on blowing up characters to a large size on the source platform, 
and then re-digitizing them. Many Japanese fonts come with some builtin 
limit for enlargement (means you have to pay extra if you want to use
these fonts for characters in display sizes). With such fonts, it may happen 
that what TrueDoc wants to do is not possible, or only at restricted quality.
Also, one has to be aware of the fact that while in the US, only the imple- 
mentation of a font (i.e. the font program) is copyright-protected, and thus 
TrueDoc fonts most probably can be passed around freely, many other countries 
have more strict (and more reasonable) copyright protection of fonts, 
protecting also the design. Therefore, if TrueDoc fonts are not strictly 
linked to the documents that they have been generated for (this may be
the case; I don't know the details), this scheme may not be feasible 
>How confident can a Web publisher be that the reader will see the same thing as
>he/she is designing on the Mac or PC which is on their desktop.
Well, apart from the problems of screen resolution, color lookup table 
congestion, white temperature of the display, and other details of 
illumination and such, there is a very failproof way already to be 
sure your reader sees the same as you do: Use bitmaps :-!
Regards, Martin.

Received on Friday, 8 March 1996 13:54:35 UTC