nice to have


I'm using www4mail with a lot of pleasure.

But I have a problem. I can't use the form-mail solution to "surf" further.

Actually I'm working with IE5 but mail mail agent is Lotus Note Release 4
(configuration fixed by the company)
Even the simple mailto: link doesn't work

So here is my suggestion for a new option :

In the begin of the first request theres should be possible to place a


The the html page received will be similar to the normal one but when you
select the next URLs or Images you want,  a Javascript script will
dynamically create the needed body of the message in a text zone.

Then the user need just to make a "cut and past" in his E-mail software
(new mail ) and he put the E-mail address of his favorite www4mail server.

Unfortunately, I'm not so good in Perl and Javascript but I will try to
make something with the code.

Does anybody already work on this concept?

Thanks a lot

François Byvoet (

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2000 11:58:05 UTC