Re: [www-email-discuss] <none>

Unfortunately the server does not access anything
larger than 6 MB. 
The limit is a server configurable parameter that each site may
modify to thier taste.

This limit is enforced on the total file size and not parts of the the

Using the limit on just parts of of a file means you can download a 100 MB
file simply by calling for it in parts.

Clement Onime

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Салимов Сакен wrote:

> Hello everybody !
> 	Why return an error 413 during request:
> getsize 200k
> getpart 60-69
> 	Server said:[] Error 413  - Remote file is too
> large (Limit is 6144000 bytes.)
> 	But a retreiving chunk don't exceed max limit !!! BTW,
> works much better, although italian server
> v2.4p4 and german v2.4p1 !?

Received on Friday, 17 November 2000 11:14:54 UTC