Re: [www-email-discuss] <none>

Now in order to answer your question, www4mail does not execute
javascript code on behave of users. 

I do believe that you can do a little bit better than this.
First you need the URL of the current page, your are viewing.
Let's say the javascript reference came from a page from

Looking at the code below, you should simply request for the following


On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, interbymail wrote:

> Hello, All!
> Anybody knows, which way can I take forms with javascript and work with
> them, FE:
> XGET=javascript: var pwin =
> open('/popup/post.html?gid=13951','test','toolbar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars
> =yes,width=760,height=530,top=0,left=0');
> Best regards, Sergey.

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 03:31:29 UTC