Re: One more 403 Forbidden

The site was forbidden because the parser picked up the word 'babe' in  I have taken that out of the filter now on the Unganisha and 
Bellanet servers.  The servers no longer parse meta data.


At 04:05 AM 99/09/28 , wrote:
> > From:
> > Date: 27 Sep 1999 13:50:04 -0000
> > Subject: ERROR REPORT (URL - 
> > Error 403  - Forbidden - Access to requested page/site is forbidden
>I downloaded the file and the <> page
>via getweb. Meta tags from that page:
>| <meta name="description" content="BABEL is a glossary of computer
>| related abbreviations and acronyms updated three times a year by
>| Irving & Richard Kind">
>| <meta name="keywords" content="babel, Babel, BABEL, acronym,
>| acronyms, abbreviations, glossary, babel glossary, computer glossary,
>| country code, country domain name, ikind">
>Forbidden because of "hard" in "Richard"?  The algorithm is paranoid.

Steve Song <>
Unganisha (Connectivity) Project <>

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 1999 09:57:06 UTC