Re: I'm hungarian, and can't understand help

> I'm a hungarian user, and can't understand well the long help. I
> need a short instruction: How can I get unmodified WWW pages _with
> pictures_?  
> I've tried the TSOURCE on a sex page (why not?? :-)    ). The
> picture was not downloaded. 
> And if I get pictures, it increases my used quota by 20, or I
> didn't understand correctly? 

I saw your message in the www-email-discuss mailing list archive.  I 
don't know if anyone answered you yet or not.

The www4mail program is, by default, configured to deny access to sex 
pages.  It has a ".deny" file which prevents access to those pages.

I suspect that the authors of the program could not justify spending 
university money to support access to sex pages, and so prevented it. 
I also suspect that if they allowed access to sex pages, the  
heavy usage would overwhelm the system.

Try again with a different subject matter and it might work - though 
of course it might not be as interesting to you.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems
Randallstown, MD

Received on Monday, 20 September 1999 15:46:30 UTC