Re: Question about www4mail

In <> wrote:
>You are converting '=' to an HTML space.  You also convert some other 
>characters to space.

>Converting '=' to ' ' does not seem to work with our pages.  So I 
>commented that line out, and then everything worked.

Hi Alan!

I was just trying to figure out, what seems to be answered
by your remark more generally, thank you.

btw: good news to hear from www4mail at NLM

XFORM field: '='-signs in URL are replaced by blanks:

XFORM=FORM ACTION dnt_nm/[ST_rn ap]/rate/dnquery.xp \\
XBASE =[ST_rn=ap]/

XBASE field displays correct path.

Received as reply to:
using option "xformreply=text".

Thomas Knecht

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 1999 04:37:54 UTC