Help me.


Excuse me for my bad english at first. My natal idiom is the spanish.
When I send you in a message body "", you answer is the following error message.
I don't know what to do. I had tried a lot times,

Date sent:      	Thu, 27 May 1999 13:28:16 -0400
Subject:        	ERROR REPORT (URL - help://www4mail/error)

Dear User,
Statistics of your (per week) usage of this service
Remaining Quota :	192
Used Quota      :       8
Last access     :	text on Thu May 27 11:59:30 1999

Details for Current Page
URL             :  help://www4mail/error
Request Time    :  Thu May 27 13:26:27 1999
Delivery Time   :  Thu May 27 13:28:15 1999

HELP TIP: Please confirm the HOSTNAME, the machine does not exist.

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Error 404 - Site not Found - NO DNS Entry found - The require host does
not exist

>Greetings from:
>Ing. Carlos Manuel Gracia Rodriguez
>Insert in email's Subject: To Carlos Gracia

Received on Thursday, 27 May 1999 15:04:35 UTC