Re: Problem with wwwmail, IE 3.02, NT 4.00.1381, Microsoft Exchange 5 .0.1458.47

Try to use the XBYJS command...

IE3.02 has a problem with sending mails. The XBYJS command provides a
work-around for this problem through the use of Javacsript..
I hope it works okay with Exchange (I know it works with Internet Mail).

The source code of www4mail can be downloaded from

But I would advise holding on till Monday. Then you can get the latest
version of www4mail. It should be out by Monday.

Clement Onime

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 wrote:

> Hello,
> First thank you for a fine product. Sitting behind a firewall it works
> fantastic.
> However, a problem remains, and is probably due to IE rather than wwwmail.
> I can select links I would like to download, but when I submit the job
> (click get selected documents), only the email address is filled.
> (PC with IE3.02, NT 4 and MS Exchange 5.0)
> I have tried the same operation on another PC (Win98) with IE 4.0, and the
> email is filled (and sent) 
> In both cases I use Microsoft Exchange, but I do not know the version that
> was on the PC with Win98.
> Hope this is information enough. If not please let me know and I will try to
> supply more info.
> Is it possible to get the wwwmail software somewhere?
> Thank you in advance
> Asbjorn Riedel

Received on Friday, 18 June 1999 03:35:20 UTC