bugs, etc.

I believe I have a bug report.  I am using Juno E-mail and at the end of
every e-mail that is sent out Juno appends four lines at the end
advertising their Juno Web service.  The problem is when I request
webpages www4mail interprets the first line of that blurb as wanting a
webpage.  Here is the line:

Get the Internet just the way you want it.

I know I get a email about getting a webpage called
"theinternetjustthewayyouwantit".  I think www4mail sees the get and
thinks I want a webpage following the word get.  There is no way for me
to turn off that ad.  I am surprised it is interpreting it as a command
when preceding it is a line of dashes or underline characters.

I also have some suggestions for expanding ww4mail.  I would like the
ability to retrieve the background pic if there is one and possibly other
pics related to that page along with the requested webpage as one package
using XUUENCODE.  It would make it a litte more convient than having to
get the page then send another email requesting the background pic, etc. 
Another idea would be including all the webpages related to that
particular site.  I think Agora has a command called "deep" that does

Norman Neal

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web: http://dl.www.juno.com/dynoget/tagj.

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 1999 13:08:26 UTC