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<title>Graduate Admissions</title>


<a name=top>

<body background="gif/blwhline.gif" bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"  link="#329ccc" vlink="#329ccc"> 

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<font size=1 face="arial" color="#ffffff"><b>graduate admissions<br>department of statistics<br>116 new west<br>university of north carolina<br>chapel hill nc 27599-3260<p>phone:  919-962-2307<br>fax:  919-962-1279<p></font>

<font size=1 face="arial" color="#cc0033"><b>director of admissions:<ul> chuanshu ji</ul>

<a href="mailto:cji@stat.unc.edu">cji@stat.unc.edu</a><p>admissions coordinator:<ul> lois douglass</ul>

<a href="mailto:lmd@email.unc.edu">lmd@email.unc.edu</a><br></font></b>





 graduate admissions <p></center>



<font size=3 face="arial" color="#125b8f"><b> <a  href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>

 | <a href="#procedures">Procedures</a><br>

 <a href="#finances">Finances</a> | <a href="#duties"> Duties</a> | <a href="#deadlines"> Deadlines</a>

| <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="housing.html"><u>Housing</u><br>

| <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="http://www.unc.edu/visitors"><u>Visiting Campus</u></b></font><p>




<font size=3 face="arial">

  Submit your Graduate School application via the <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET  VALUE="https://www-s2.ais.unc.edu/sis/adm/gradapp.html"><u><b>online application for admission.</u></b></font> <p>

<font face="arial" size=3>  Thisuser-friendly, online application is faster and easier than completing a paper application and provides for the prompt receipt and distribution of your application information.  Individuals with special needs, or internet a
ccess problems, can request paper information via this same site.<p></ul>

<h4><a  name="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h4>

Admission to the 

Graduate Program

is necessarily a selective process, and only applicants with academic

records of high quality should seek admission. The minimal requirement is a

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited college

or university in this country with a B average or better, or its equivalent

based on a four-year curriculum in a foreign institution.


  The Department places strong emphasis on the mathematical theory of

probability and statistics and thus sound mathematical preparation is an

essential prerequisite for admission. An applicant's mathematical

background should include a one-year course in advanced (multivariable)

calculus or real analysis, at least a one-semester course in matrix algebra, 

and calculus-based courses in probability and statistics.  



A complete application must include the following:



<li>The completed application forms in duplicate.<br> 

<li>Two official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate


<li>Three references (forms provided) from people familiar with the

applicant's academic achievement and potential.<br> 

<li>A nonrefundable application fee of $55.00. A successful applicant

reserves his/her place by the payment of the nonrefundable deposit which is

credited toward the first semester's tuition.<br>  

<li>Test scores for both the Aptitude and Advanced Mathematics Graduate

Examination. This examination is given at regular intervals at most

universities in this country and in many countries abroad. Applicants for 

financial aid should take the examination no later than October for

admission the following fall semester. (Under certain exceptional 

circumstances the Department may waive this requirement.)<br> 

<li>Students whose native language is not English are required to take the

Test of English as a Foreign Language examination (TOEFL) administered

by the Educational Testing Service. The required minimum total score on

the TOEFL test is 550. (Again, in exceptional circumstances this

requirement may be waived.)

<p><i>More information on the GREs including sample exams,

is available from the <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="http://www.gre.org/"><u><b>Educational TestingService (ETS).</b></i></u><p></ol>

In addition to the above, the Department of Statistics strongly recommends

that applicants submit the following material: 


<li>Brief course descriptions, including text titles where applicable, of all 

previous undergraduate and graduate courses in (a) probability and 

statistics, (b) mathematics above the level of elementary calculus, and (c)

other courses of a mathematical nature, such as computer science,

mathematical physics, etc.<br>

<li>A statement of areas of interest in probability and statistics, and of 

career goals. 



<i> Much useful information for foreign students is available at <b>

<INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="http://www.unc.edu/depts/interctr/"><u>The InternationalCenter.</u></b></i><p>

  <i>Detailed information on schedules, registrationtuition and fees is provided by

<b><INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="http://regweb.oit.unc.edu/"><u>TheUniversity Registrar;</u> Theentire <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET  VALUE="http://www.unc.edu/res-aca/catalogs/gb98-99/"><u>Graduate Bulletin</u>is also on line. </b></i> <p> <

<a name="finances"><h4> Assistance</h4> Over 90 percent of Ph.D.graduate students in the Statistics Department receive financial aid. TheDepartment offers a number of Departmental Assistantships each year tostudents who enter the Ph.D.  program. These ass
istantships are renewableeach academic year, contingent upon satisfactory progress toward a degreeand availability of funds. Normally assistantships are not awarded to astudent beyond the fifth academic year. The stipend for 1998-99 averages $10,000.In ad
dition, the department offers a Graduate Merit Assistantship  with a stipend of $12,000  to an incoming student. Exceptionally strong applicants are nominated by the Department for University Fellowships administered through the Graduate School.  Competit
ion for these three year non-service awards isUniversity-wide, and the 1998-99stipend is $14,000 plus tuition and fees. Students are also urged to apply for fellowships available through national, regional, and foundation sources.  <p>

<b>Minority Presence Awards</b> 

Under the Board of Governors general Minority Presence Grant Program,

African American students may be eligible for special financial assistance if

they are residents of North Carolina, enrolled for at least three hours of

degree-credit coursework, and demonstrate financial need.


The Minority Presence Grant Program for Doctoral Study provides stipends

of $9,000 for the academic year, with an option of additional support for

study in the summer session, for African American residents of North

Carolina who are selected to participate. Recipients must be full-time 

students pursuing doctoral degrees at The University of North Carolina at 

Chapel Hill.  


<h4>Tuition and Fees</h4>

Full-time students who have been awarded assistantships are eligible for 

a special tuition rate, currently identical to the in-state rate of


per academic year for <i>both tuition and fees</i>. The out-of-state rate


1998-99 is $11,418.  Entitlement to the special rate is <b> forfeited

if a 

student fails to complete a full semester.</b> Tuition and fees are due at 

registration; accounts not paid in full by the last day of registration 

are subject to a late payment fee and the student's possible disenrollment. 

These rate are determined by the state legislature and may change each year.


More  information on student finances can be found at the <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE= "http://www.ais.unc.edu/bfhome/finance/stufininfo.htm"><u>UNC Cashier'sOffice page </u>.

<a name="duties"><h4>Duties</h4>

<em><b><font color="#329ccc">First-year students on assistantships are not required to teach.</em></b> </font>Instead, they are assigned to assist one of the instructors with anundergraduate statistics course. Typically this includes helpingundergraduate 
students with problem solving, holding periodic tutorials, and grading homework. Such assignments are carefully controlled so that a full-time course load can be pursued, and normally do not require more than 6-8 hours per week. After the first year, qual
ified students on assistantshipsteach <i><b> one elementary-level statistics course per year.</i></b>  The average class size is 40-45 students, and assistance is provided for grading homework. Student-taught sections are monitored by the Director of Unde
rgraduate Studies and TA's have access to advice, training and teaching aids from the 

University's <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="http://www.unc.edu/depts/ctl/"><u>Center for Teaching and Learning.</u>  The Department awards two teaching prizes each year.<p>

<a name="deadlines"><h4>Deadlines</h4>The Department of Statistics normally admits students in the fall semester.The deadlines for application for admission in the fall semester are asfollows:<p>a) January 31 for admission and financial aid.<br> b) March 
31 for admission without aid, if space is available.<p>

<h4>Further Information</h4>

The Department of Statistics welcomes applicants for admission and aid

from members of minorities. Admission and aid are awarded without

consideration of race, religion, sex, ethnic origin, or handicap. 


  For more information, contact the Department's AdmissionsCoordinator, Lois Douglass, at <a  href="mailto:lmd@email.unc.edu"><i><b>lmd@email.unc.edu</i></b></a><p> <address> Graduate Admissions<br>Department of Statistics<br>The University of North Carol
ina<br> Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3260<br>919-962-2307</address><p>

<b><a VALUE="#top">Back to the top of this page</a> <p> <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET VALUE="index.html"><u>    To Stat Home Page</u><p> To the <INPUT TYPE= checkbox NAME= XGET href="http://www.ais.unc.edu/sis/admissions/grad/gradhome.html"><u>Graduate
School Admissions </u> page.<p>

 <i><font size=2>April 1999</i></font></table></tr></td> </body> 

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