[Cientia] Executive Directions Digest Sept.04

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Executive Directions Digest                   Sept. 2004	
This issue reflects a search to see what CEOs are concerned about these
days. Interesting range of findings, perhaps it depends on the
questions. Facets of social responsibility are a dominant theme, so a
small selection of related resources are included for follow-up. Conger
and Nadler provide expert observations and reflections on the phenomenon
of increasing executive churn. CEO conferences are included.

The Digest is a semi-monthly listing of executive development resources
added or listed in the Cientia <http://www.cientia.net>  archives. All
links and information are freely available through public sources and
search engines. Cientia is a selective directory, considered public
domain and may be used at your discretion. If you believe you have
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6th. Annual Global CEO Survey: Leadership, Growth and Responsibility in
Uncertain Times <http://pwcglobal-ceosurv6.notlong.com/> 	
Confident about their companies' business prospects but concerned about
global terrorism/war and overregulation, the nearly 1,000 CEOs from 43
countries who participated say they are prepared to lead their
organisations through these uncertain times. Conducted in conjunction
with the World Economic Forum, the Global CEO Survey examined CEOs'
views on growth, on rebuilding public trust, and on the importance of
corporate social responsibility.     PWC Global <http://pwcglobal.com>
download <http://pwcglobal-ceosurv6-pdf.notlong.com/> 	

CEO Survey 2004.    Values and Value: Communicating the Strategic
Importance of Corporate Citizenship to Investors
Developed in partnership with the Prince of Wales International Business
Leaders Forum. <http://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/trusts/bus_forum.html>
Launched in conjunction with the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting
2004, this report is based on CEO, CFO and investment relations
officers' responses to a written survey and set of personal interviews,
conducted primarily with executives in signatory companies of the Global
Corporate Citizenship Initiative <http://OECD-GCC.notlong.com> . They
offer perspectives from 14 different industry sectors and with
headquarters in 14 different countries.  The report argues that there
are signs of change in investor recognition of corporate citizenship as
a driver of corporate performance. Although the current interest is
mainly coming from the socially responsible investment community, more
than 70 percent of the CEOs surveyed believe that mainstream investors
will become increasingly interested in these issues.   World Economic
Forum <http://www.weforum.org>          download

Your turn: the Global CEO Study 2004
Of the 456 CEOs who gave one-to-one interviews for the survey, 80%
declared that their primary objective has shifted from cost-cutting to
revenue growth. The report shows that many of the CEOs, who lead
companies in all major countries and industries, feel that the
cost-containment measures they have put in place over the past two years
are now sufficient. Two-thirds of the CEOs expect growth to come from
new products that they will develop over the next five years, with more
than half expecting to enter new markets in search of growth
opportunities. Asia and China, in particular, were cited as key new
markets for revenue growth.   IBM Institute for Business Value
<http://www-306.ibm.com/services/iibv/about.wss>  ,    The Economist
<http://www.economist.com>   and   Nikkei Research.
<http://www.nikkeiresearch.com/>        Download

7th. Annual Technology Fast 500 CEO Survey
Finds companies  cautiously optimistic about growth.  Nearly 75 percent
of more than 400 CEOs at U.S., European and Asia-Pacific technology
companies in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 are very confident or
extremely confident their companies will achieve a high rate of growth
over the next twelve months. Fewer than 15 percent cite the economy as
their biggest challenge to sustained revenue growth-less than half the
number from last year's survey.    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Global
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Group
Download <http://CautiousOptimism.notlong.com>  	

5th. Annual CEO Challenge 2004: Top Ten Challenges
> .	
539 global CEOs in 40 countries provide an overview of their top 10
Challenges. Fifty-one percent of CEOs in Asia report that stimulating
innovation is their greatest concern, while 47% say acquiring talented
managers is greatest. Only 34% of CEOs based in Europe and 28% of U.S.
CEOs cite innovation as their top concern, while only 32% of European
CEOs and only 22% of CEOs in the U.S. cite availability of talented
managers is. CEOs of more successful companies are 50% more likely to
give employee loyalty/commitment/job satisfaction the greatest concern
rating, while CEOs of less successful companies are 25% more likely to
rate it the lower of the top two choices.  Vigilance on ethics issues
ranks among the Top 10 concerns of only CEOs in the U.S.    The
Conference Board <http://www.conference-board.org> ,     Heidrick &
Struggles International <http://www.heidrick.com./>    and   Peoplesoft

When CEOs Step Up to Fail
CEO failure is a costly and disruptive event for companies, and when
high-profile CEOs fail, the blame tends to fall squarely on their
shoulders. But there is more to the story of why promising CEOs - those
who previously have been successful and seemed "just right" for the job
- fail.  Published by MITSloan Management Review and based on research
conducted with the Center for Effective Organizations
<http://www.marshall.usc.edu/web/CEO.cfm?doc_id=611>  at the University
of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, the article offers
14 illustrative cases and identifies specific factors that contribute to
CEO failure. The authors are highly respected thought leaders in the
fields of executive education and consulting.    Jay Conger
<http://JayConger.notlong.com>    of the London Business School
<http://www.london.edu/>   and  David Nadler
<http://www.mercerdelta.com/about/chairman.htm> , Chairman of   Mercer
Delta Consulting <http://www.mercerdelta.com/home.htm>          Download

A CEOs Guide to Technology
Special Report.  Collection of feature articles on technology issues
concerning CEOS.  E.g., Tools for Execs on the Go, Wireless devices and
Wi-Fi access to tackle the e-mail deluge during free moments.
BusinessWeek <http://www.businessweek.com/>  	

Communicating Corporate Responsibility to Investors: The Changing Role
of the Investor Relations Function <http://IR-Communication.notlong.com>

Analyses the role of the investor relations (IR) function in the light
of rising investor concern about corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Draws on interviews with IR professionals in twenty firms to determine
their awareness of CSR issues as well as their assessment of concern
among mainstream investors and socially responsible investors (SRIs).
Suggests how the IR function is moving from a mere "broadcasting" mode
regarding CSR issues into a much more interactive mode of relationship
management.    Kai Hockerts
<http://www.insead.edu/CMER/team/profiles/hockerts.htm> , INSEAD, Center
for the Management of Environmental Resources.   Lance Moir
<http://www.som.cranfield.ac.uk/som/faculty/showfaculty.asp?link=16> ,
Cranfield School of Management.   Funded by  CSR Europe
<http://www.csreurope.org/>         Download

OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: 2004

In 2002, OECD Ministers called for an assessment of the OECD Principles
of Corporate Governance by 2004.  After more than a year of extensive
and open consultations, including an opportunity for public comment via
the website, the new Principles have been released.     OECD
<http://www.oecd.org/>         Download

The Business Case for Corporate Citizenship
A growing number of research projects and surveys highlight the links
between the quality of a company's stakeholder relationships and/or its
wider economic, social and environmental performance, both real and
perceived, as well as key value drivers.   Explains how good corporate
citizenship can provide benefits in each of these eight areas, and
identifies ways that increased corporate citizenship can improve
business performance. Real-life examples of the consequences for
companies that have invested in or ignored key aspects of corporate
citizenship are also presented.    World Economic Forum
<http://www.weforum.org/>     Arthur D. Little <http://www.adlittle.com>
Download <http://www.weforum.org/pdf/GCCI/ADL.pdf> 	

Corporate Social Responsibility Forum <http://www.csrforum.com/> 	
The IBLF is an international educational charity set up in 1990 to
promote responsible business practices internationally that benefit
business and society, and which help to achieve social, economic and
environmentally sustainable development, particularly in new and
emerging market economies. Hosts the International Business Leaders
Forum. <http://iblf.notlong.com> 	

Better Business Game for Social and Environmental Issues
See what it can be like to manage s multitude of social and
environmental issues in a realistic business environment. Game lasts for
approximately thirty minutes, contents are drawn from general business
dilemmas across all industries.   BT Group PLC

Pattern Gallery <http://www.profitpatterns.com/patterns/patterns.html> :
The Periodic Gallery of Strategy
Do you see the patterns behind the seeming chaos in your market? Browse
the interactive pattern library and in two minutes learn how to
recognize them. The eighteen variants of the Product to Brand profit
pattern are arranged by family and presented in order of frequency to
help you to see how the basis of brand advantage is shifting in your
industry. Mercer Management Consulting <http://www.mercermc.com/>
Download Workbook <http://www.profitpatterns.com/pdf/workbooka.pdf> 	

Working Today: Understanding What Drives Employee Engagement
If the term "irrational exuberance" was the catchphrase of the late
1990s boom, "rational endurance" is today's equivalent.  According to
Towers Perrin's comprehensive study of the Canadian workforce, that
phrase accurately sums up the mood of employees today.    Aug 2004,
Canada.     Towers Perrin HR Services
Download <http://empengagement-tp-pdf.notlong.com/> 	

HR BPO Comes of Age: From Expectation to Reality
<http://TP-Publications-HTML.notlong.com>     A Report on the
Effectiveness of HR Business Process Outsourcing	
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is receiving growing corporate
interest because of its potential economic and strategic value. This
2004 survey of some of the major outsourcing industry pioneers is the
first to examine HR BPO in detail, from the company's perspective, and
explore whether it is meeting its promises. For HR managers, it's also a
path out of the administrivia of overseeing day-to-day operations,
providing time to refocus their efforts on higher-impact strategic
responsibilities.   United States,  May 2004.    Towers Perrin
<http://www.towersperrin.com>         Download

Here Comes Hyperinnovation
New prototyping methods have radically reduced the cost of testing
products, services, and business models, effectively creating a new
financial resource: iterative capital.    Michael Schrage, MIT
strategy+business <http://www.strategy-business.com/>         Download

Is it worth it? <http://WorthIt-Economist.notlong.com>   	
The Executive Education Outlook discusses the value of executive
education in hard times.  The executive looking for training this autumn
faces something of a dilemma. On the one hand, managing can look
particularly difficult in an uncertain recovery. On the other, many
companies are still in a budget-cutting mood and every extra dollar
spent for training has to be justified. The opportunity cost of an
executive course has rarely been higher. The Economist Global Executive

HR BPO Comes of Age: From Expectation to Reality
<http://hr-bpo-ofage-towers.notlong.com/>     A Report on the
Effectiveness of HR Business Process Outsourcing	
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is receiving growing corporate
interest because of its potential economic and strategic value. This
2004 survey of some of the major outsourcing industry pioneers is the
first to examine HR BPO in detail, from the company's perspective, and
explore whether it is meeting its promises. For HR managers, it's also a
path out of the administrivia of overseeing day-to-day operations,
providing time to refocus their efforts on higher-impact strategic
responsibilities.   United States,  May 2004.    Towers Perrin
<http://www.towersperrin.com>         Download

4th. Annual Forbes Global CEO Conference - Asia
<http://CEO-Global6-Forbes.notlong.com/> . Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong. Sep
21 - 23, 2004. 	
Economies and societies around the world are now inextricably connected.
To connect smoothly and work together efficiently, we need marketplaces,
transport systems and global standards. In today's world, how effective
are these hubs, networks and protocols?  By invitation and limited to
CEOs, Presidents and senior management level executives.    Forbes
Conferences <https://www.forbesconferences.com/> : 	

AMA's Course for Presidents and CEOs
<http://CEO-Pres-Course-AMA.notlong.com> .    San Francisco, CA.  Oct
4-8, 2004.   Ongoing dates.	
Provides real-world strategies to can use now that address your toughest
challenges. Limited to just 25 presidents and owners of growing
companies.   American Management Association (AMA)

CEO Summit - Corporate Culture: Sustainability and Innovation
<http://CEOSummit-Economist.notlong.com> ,  Cercle de l'Union
Interalliée, Paris.   Oct 12, 2004.	
As management teams work to ensure corporate sustainability and maintain
innovation, this Summit will answer the following questions: What core
values are necessary for a strong corporate culture? What is needed to
build a truly sustainable organisation?   Economist Conferences
<http://www.economistconferences.com>  and Development Institute
International <http://www.development-institute.com> 	

Developing Leaders at Every Level: Cascading Leadership Development and
Building Organizational Cohesion
<http://www.icedr.org/programs/program.x?id=64> ,  Fontainebleau,
France. Oct 13-15, 2004.	
At these semiannual meetings, you enage in dynamic discussions of
inovative current-practice examples with corporate and academic thought
leaders. Each Forum examines a different HR challenge, with topics
selected in advance by senior HR corporate executives. Jointly hosted by
the    International Consortium for Executive Development Research
(ICDER) <http://www.icedr.org/> , Suez  and   INSEAD

BSR Annual Conference 2004.   Integrating CSR: New Risks, New Rewards
<http://www.bsr.org/BSRConferences/2004/index.cfm>    New York, New
York.Nov 9-12, 2004.	

Executives increasingly recognize that by embedding CSR, they can best
capitalize on opportunities and manage future risks in all their
policies and practices, including budgeting, product and service
development, supply chain relationships, stakeholder engagement and
internal and external communications.    Business for Social
Responsibility (BSR) <http://www.bsr.org/> 	

Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 00:37:11 UTC