RE: Summary Report published

The list I wrote included:
(Rigo, can these be added to the minutes?)

* The attendees then discussed what next areas W3C
* may investigate. Below is the (unordered) list.

- Rights Language
- Trust
- Framework
- Metadata
- Signed Metadata
- ?Do no Harm? - Respect work already done (do a survey)
- Requirements Study
- Seamless end-user experience + content provider to do this
- WG - to consider Rights Language
- WG - to consider Rights Messaging
- WG - Package Manifest/Digital Items (dep to XML Packaging)
- IG - DRM/Technical Protection Mechanisms
- Collaboration (eg MPEG CFPs existing and *new* eg Rights Lang and
  Rights Dictionary, Digital Item Declaration. eg <indecs>)
- Architecture/Under Structure (to provide hooks, HTTP1.1R)
- Need something rapid...field in HTTP/HTML - important step/msg
- Don?t standardise copy protection
- Arch overview - take a step back - develop a glossary
- Trust - reln with IETF
- Similar to P3P (and differences) and link to P3P
- Access Rights
- Survey of legal aspects (respect of grey area) plus User and
  Library  issues (put into IG)
- Couple Access Rights and Privacy Rights (explore technical and
- Leverage cross-sector/industry interest - identify the general
  technical needs (IG or Workshop)
- Expressing RL ontologies in RDF/XML
- Four perspectives need to be represented (business, legal, social,
- Avoid eyes and ears focus (narrow data types/delivery - need
- Consider other digital delivery networks (more than the Web
  eg a CDROM)
- Content to travel from web to storage - persistent description
- Examination of Patent issues - how Patent interacts with DRM
- Allow offline
- Complex media combinations
- XML Sig effort -
- Archiving and preservation of knowledge and cultural works on the
  Internet for future generations
- Diff between Mgt of Digital Rights and Digital Mgt of Rights
- Restate accessibility goals
- Amateur and individual creator gets equal access and status
- Combination of Copyright and Patent and Trademark
- Identify the integrity of the content (audit trail)
- Scope of a Digital Rights Language
- I18N jurisdiction
- Human rights


Dr Renato Iannella
IPR Systems

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2001 11:48:51 UTC