MPEG pointers

Dear DRM workshop People,

thanks to all for a very interesting workshop Monday and Tuesday!

As promised I hereby send pointers to the relevant MPEG documents.
They can be found in the Hot News Section of the MPEG home
This includes: 
* Call for Requirements for a Rights Expression Language and 
  a Rights Data Dictionary 
* Working Draft for the Digital Item Declaration (this will shortly be
  made available; it is not yet there)
* Updated Call for Proposals for Digital Item Identification and
  Description. (This one will be updated with minor logistic
  additions in a week)

(Also all of MPEG-7's Committeee Drafts are available from that page,
 and there is a pointer to a freely downloadable SW implementation
 of MPEG-4!)

Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.


Received on Thursday, 25 January 2001 10:32:17 UTC