Re: Defining a constructor for Element and friends

On Jan 13, 2015, at 10:45 AM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:

> From: Ryosuke Niwa [] 
>> Shouldn't we throw in this case because the concert type of "somename" is HTMLUnknownElement?
> Yes, that's exactly the current design. Hidden a bit:
> This still leaves the potential hazard of someone doing `new HTMLUnknownElement("somename")` and their code breaking later once "someone" becomes a real tag... hopefully the "Unknown" is a bit more of a deterrent though?

Or, we could always throw an exception in the constructor of HTMLUnknownElement so that nobody could do it.  It would mean that libraries and frameworks that do support custom elements without "-" would have to use document.createElement but that might be a good thing since they wouldn't be doing that in the first place.

- R. Niwa

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2015 18:51:03 UTC