Re: Convenient way to create element and set its attributes at once

On 03/12/2013 01:11 , Marat Tanalin wrote:
> So it's probably not necessary to incorporate them into constructor
> itself, and it would probably be sufficient just to have dedicated
> methods for setting multiple properties / adding multiple event
> listeners at once like:
> element.setProperties(propMap);
> element.addEventListeners(eventHandlersMap);

I'm not sure that I see what the point would be. The whole value of 
adding sugar is to make coding the DOM easier, a large part of which is 
enhancing brevity.

We've all written small libraries of the kind that Ian was describing, 
probably several times over. It's possibly a good idea to boil that into 
the platform. My primary concern is that there isn't that much of this 
discussion that isn't bikeshedding.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 14:49:25 UTC