RE: Convenient way to create element and set its attributes at once

From: Tab Atkins Jr. <>

> Hm, I don't understand.  instanceof just walks the prototype chains, and the functions denoted by "HTMLHeadingElement" and "HTML.h1" can have the same prototype.  I suspect I'm missing something in your statement.

Well, it depends on how HTML.h1 was implemented I guess... What were you thinking?

Another way to put it is that you generally want the following invariants:

new X() instanceof X
(new X()).constructor === X
Object.getPrototypeOf(new X()) === X.prototype
X.prototype.constructor === X

I can't really see a solution that makes HTML.h1 a constructor that follows these identities without creating a new class hierarchy separate from HTMLHeadingElement.

Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 19:01:26 UTC