Re: [dom] Need to describe the interaction of adoptNode with prototype chains

Le 24/12/2012 23:53, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :
> On 12/24/12 2:36 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>> Scripts inside the new document think they are in a fresh browsing
>> context if I understand correctly.
> No.  There is only one browsing context.  Browsing contexts don't even 
> change across navigations.
> Scripts created after the open() will see a new ES global. Scripts 
> created before the open() keep seeing the old one as their global.
I thought the global changed. Step 14 suggests that the 
Window object changes... unless it's referring to the Window 
"constructor" and not the window instance as I understand it?

>> From the new document point of view,
>> it "feels" like a navigation just occurred. Only the script from the
>> previous context can tell the difference.
> With s/context/global/ yes.  Or of course script from outside the 
> navigation context altogether.
>> What about thinking of it the following way:
>> * before the call, you're in a browsing context
>> * after the call, you're in a new browsing context (navigation)
> Navigation doesn't change the browsing context.  It creates a new 
> Window (which is the ES global) and new Document.
Yes. It mixed up all terms in my head. Sorry about that. I was talking 
about navigation all along; assuming a new form of navigation preserving 
the document identity could exist. But I was wrong apparently. I thought 
the global changed, but it doesn't seem to.

>> and some script from the previous browsing context has survived and 
>> runs *in the
>> new context* (the context change happens during the call)
> No, the script that called open() needs to keep running against the 
> old global.  Not doing that breaks things, last I checked.
> Consider this testcase:
>   <script>
>     var x = 1;
>     window.onload = function() {
>       document.write(x);
>       document.close();
>     }
>   </script>
Hmm... Playing with this example a bit more I've found that Gecko and 
Chrome deviates in their behavior. Gecko only preserves the lexical 
environment for the functions in the scripts and 
deletes the binding to the global object while Chrome preserves the 
binding to the global object. See:

<script type="text/javascript">
     var x = 31;
     y = 37

     window.onload = function(){
         var l = localStorage;
         console.log('opener context x', window.x, window.y);
         console.log(x, y);
         console.log("storage", l === window.localStorage);
         document.write('<script>console.log("new document context x", 
window.x, window.y); console.log(x, y)</scr'+'ipt>')

Said differently, both preserve the WindowProxy, but Gecko changes the 
underlying Window while Chrome doesn't apparently. Chrome doesn't seem 
to change the localStorage object.
I fail to observe the step 14 in Chrome including the "change all the 
prototypes" part, so I guess it's not web-crucial.
Maybe an opportunity to reconsider the "every prototype of every object 
has to change on" by changing the spec?

It could be re-spec'ed as the same thing without step 14. I think it 
would save a lot of trouble. What do you think?


Received on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 00:36:35 UTC