Re: [DOM4] Mutation algorithm imposed order on document children

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Elliott Sprehn <>
> wrote:
> > IE9 _does_ expose the doctype node. It's IE8 that doesn't but I've
> ignored
> > that case.
> Did you try multiple doctypes? Or is the only change you want to make
> the one about ordering? Seems kind of arbitrary to me...

That's a good question.

FF, IE9, Webkit: Enforces a single doctype and a single element.
Opera: Enforces a single element, but allows multiple doctypes.

So it seems the one element, one doctype rule is already pretty well

I'd like to change the spec so that instead of requiring a specific
ordering, it requires that the serialization of the document (for example
through XMLSerializer) always reflects the current document state, even if
you removed the doctype node entirely. That ensures that serializing a live
document gets you something that would render the same a second time.

> (Also, changes we make here affect
> and may affect other specifications as well that rely on the
> constraints a DOM tree enforces. Given that most browsers don't care
> this does not matter that much, but we should make sure we follow up
> with them.)


Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 17:47:54 UTC