Re: [DOM3Events] keydown/keyup asymmetry for held keys (key repeating)

Hi, Steve-

Steve Schafer wrote (on 6/22/11 3:57 PM):
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 21:56:41 +0300, you wrote:
>>Yeah, the current implementations are the reason why repeating
>>keydown/up has been spec'ed the way they are.
> I think the cart has gotten way out in front of the horse here...
> The current browsers work that way because Windows (and therefore pretty
> much everything else) works that way. Windows works that way because the
> original IBM PC keyboard hardware works that way.

I do not doubt the truth of what you say, but browsers are built on a 
higher level of abstraction that could (and does) emulate behavior 
differently than the way it's handled by the OS and drivers.  I don't 
think that the specific behavior David is suggesting will conflict 
directly with the lower level events in any measurable way.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, WebApps, Web Events, and Audio WGs

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 20:13:25 UTC