Re: Proposal to ammend the composition event spec.


Thanks so much, this is great news. Enjoy your vacation :)


On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 2:37 AM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
> Hi, Dan-
> If everyone is agreed about this, then I have no problem changing the spec.
>  I'm on vacation right now so I'm not following the conversation closely,
> but I'll fix the spec when I get back next week.
> Regards-
> -Doug
> Daniel Danilatos wrote (on 6/30/10 11:44 AM):
>> So it seems we're all happy with this. Doug, any chance of it finding
>> its way into the spec? We really would like to fix the outstanding
>> issues in Webkit.
>> Dan
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Ojan Vafai<>  wrote:
>>>  I didn't mean to derail the original proposal. As best I can tell,
>>> everyone
>>>  who has voiced an opinion agrees that compositionstart/compositionend
>>> should
>>>  bound all IME related DOM modifications and that textInput should fire
>>>  before the compositionEnd event.
>>>  Whether it also fires before compositionStart is totally orthogonal. We
>>>  should try to address that after we've come to a conclusion on the other
>>>  thread about extending textInput to other input modes.
>>>  Ojan
>>>  On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:08 PM, James Su<>  wrote:
>>>>  To prevent all text input, I think the preferred way is to just cancel
>>>>  keydown event. In this case we don't need to care about textInput and
>>>>  composition events at all. It's also compatible with non-IME input
>>>> mode. So
>>>>  I think textInput and composition events should not be fired at all if
>>>>  keydown is cancelled.
>>>>  Regards
>>>>  James Su
>>>>  2010/6/16 Ojan Vafai<>
>>>>>  On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Ojan Vafai<>  wrote:
>>>>>>  to type "wo" ->  我
>>>>>>  user "w"<-- Canceling keydown should prevent the composition from
>>>>>>  starting and the DOM should not be modified.
>>>>>  Upon further thought, I think we should also fire a textInput event
>>>>> here
>>>>>  (not sure if it should fire before or after compositionstart). "data"
>>>>> can
>>>>>  just be the empty string. It should be possible to only listen to
>>>>> textInput
>>>>>  and preventDefault to prevent all text insertion. You shouldn't need
>>>>> to
>>>>>  listen to both textInput and keydown/compositionstart.
>>>>>>  event compositionstart
>>>>>>  ("w")
>>>>>>  user "o"<-- Not related to textInput since this keydown doesn't
>>>>>>  generate a textInput event. One cross-platform solution would be to
>>>>>> cancel
>>>>>>  the composition.
>>>>>>  ("wo")
>>>>>>  user<space>    <-- Same as above.
>>>>>>  ("我")
>>>>>>  user<space>  (to commit the composition)<-- Should cancel the
>>>>>> textInput
>>>>>>  and thus cancel the composition.
>>>>>>  ("")
>>>>>>  event textInput (cancelable)
>>>>>>  ("我")
>>>>>>  event compositionend
>>>>>>  -Ojan

Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 01:17:52 UTC