Re: Minutes: DOM3 Events Telcon, 31 March 2010


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
> composition start/end and cancelable
>   smaug: Got some feedback regarding the ability to cancel IMEs in GTK
>   in Unix-based OS
>   ... didn't seem to be able to cancle the IME on these platforms.
>   ... need to get further clarification.
>   Travis: I also had some feedback that I'll send to the list.

Thank you for noticing this and sorry for my long absence.

I once received a bug report that Chrome could not cancel the IME on
GTK+iBus and investigated this issue.
To write from the conclusion, this feedback is correct for some IMEs.
If I recall correctly, both Firefox and Chrome calls
gtk_im_context_reset() (*1) to cancel the IME on GTK. Even though this
API can cancel the IME on older input-method modules (e.g. scim,
simple, etc.), some newer input-method modules (e.g. ibus, uim) do not
implement this API correctly and they cannot cancel the IME on these
modules. (As a workaround for this issue, Chrome also calls
gtk_im_context_focus_out() (*3) to cancel the IME even though it
looked weird.) So, this feedback is correct in terms that
gtk_im_context_reset() (the standard GTK API that cancels the IME)
doesn't cancel some IMEs. Nevertheless, we have a workaround for this

(*1) <>
(*2) <>
(in Japanese)
(*3) <>

Best regards,

Hironori Bono

Received on Monday, 5 April 2010 10:10:21 UTC