Re: A question about key identifiers on non-alphabetic keyboards.

Hi, Bono-san-

Hironori Bono (坊野 博典) wrote (on 9/27/09 11:35 PM):
> Thank you so much for your answers.


> They are definitely helpful for me to write automated tests for this
> 'key' attribute.

We will need to create a test suite for the DOM3 Events specification, 
so please consider donating you tests to the WebApps WG.  We would be 
very grateful.

> As for the solutions for this problem. I'm also sorry I don't have
> good solutions for this problem, either. Nevertheless, I wish we can
> cooperate to provide them to web application developers. (I think many
> great engineers also read this ML. So I hope they also provide good
> solutions.)

Yes, we will keep working on this problem.  I think it is out of scope 
for DOM3 Events, but I hope we can solve this in a later specification. 
  I have been reading quite a lot about keyboards lately with that goal.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 06:58:08 UTC