Re: convertKeyIdentifier

Hi, Anne-

Anne van Kesteren wrote (on 9/22/09 12:56 PM):
> On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:51:17 +0200, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
>> Anne van Kesteren wrote (on 9/22/09 12:27 PM):
>>>> It deals directly with key identifiers and the key identifiers set
>>>> (for example, there are also named values, not just various
>>>> representations of the Unicode code points), so it's not just general
>>>> character handling. I don't want to cripple authors because of
>>>> misgivings about architectural purity...
>>> I don't understand why we cannot have a single list and rather need to
>>> have various identifiers for everything.
>> Because there are different uses for the different values, and the
>> open Web platform currently doesn't have any way to deal with that.
>> This happens to be a convenient place to do that, especially in the
>> context of the complexity of key events and i18n.
> What are these different uses? As I understand the current specification
> keyIdentifier will only return the first value so what is the use for
> the other values?

Please refer to my earlier email in this thread.

>>>> this is a directly related to DOM3 Events key identifiers, and it
>>>> needs to be implemented in that context. Mozilla and Microsoft have
>>>> already agreed that we need this, BTW.
>>> Well, I disagree. I do not see the point in having this method as I do
>>> not see the need for having multiple representations for everything in
>>> the first place in the context of DOM Level 3 Events.
>>> Furthermore I think putting createEvent on Document was a mistake in to
>>> begin with. Especially with the design we have now where DOM events are
>>> often used outside the context of documents. (Think of e.g. Web
>>> Workers.)
>> Noted.
> Where?

In the definition of convertKeyIdentifier() in the spec, where I track 
most issues.

I also have some issues noted in the wiki (mostly resolved, now), and I 
use Tracker for protracted issues.  When we go to LC, I'll have to be 
more strict about using Tracker.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 18:00:15 UTC